Discount codes cannot be combined, and discount codes are not valid on Super Saturday.
Discounts cannot be applied to past orders. Discount code must be used at the time of checkout, and only applies to the specific order it is used on. It is not honored across multiple orders in a day.
Free Shipping orders will ship separately from any other orders placed on the same day, and cannot combine.
Discount codes are valid for one use per customer. If you use alternate email addresses/phone numbers to redeem codes more than once, your order will be cancelled.
Use code JANFREESHIP (all caps, no spaces) at checkout to receive free First Class shipping on one order per customer in the month of January - $50 Order Minimum.
Use code JAN10 (all caps, no spaces) at checkout for 10% off one order per customer in the month of January.
Super Saturday is January 25th - everything is an extra 10% off (of the current price) on the last Saturday of each month.